I am a Senior Research Scientist at CSIRO, Australia’s National Science Agency. I work on statistical machine learning research with a focus on scientific discovery. Before joining CSIRO, I was a lecturer at RMIT University (2020 - 2022), before that a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Melbourne (2020) and at Monash University (2016 - 2019).

I completed my PhD in differential geometry and partial differential equations at Monash University in 2011, and, in 2015, completed a Graduate Certificate in data mining and applications from Stanford University.

I do methodological and applied research in statistical machine learning. On the applied front, I’ve worked on a broad range of applications including security, space, remote sensing and environmental applications. In terms of methodology, I’ve worked in areas such as algorithm evaluation, robust anomaly detection and dynamic networks.

My research ethos is that applied and methodological research should go hand in hand. Often applications point to a research gap, driving the cog wheels of methodological research. We know the research problems of today cannot be solved with one hammer. We need a multitude of tools, with different disciplines coming together to solve these complex problems. My research journey has made this abundantly clear to me.